Imagine yourself waking up in a comfortable bed with a cozy warm blanket. Then you open the curtains of your picture-perfect all-in-wood chalet and let the first rays of sun warm up your face.
This could be a part of a dream, but we actually experienced this feeling while staying at Adler Lodge Ritten, an exclusive mountain hotel set in a beautiful part of the Dolomites, in the northern Italy.
The newly opened hotel is composed of Suites and Chalets, with lots of charm and warm touches – from an open fireplace lounge to wooden floors and ceilings – but also with a refined design decor. You can see from the very first moment that everything was made to order here. It even includes the position of the tables, obtaining perfect sunlight in the morning.
The staff is absolutely friendly and it seems that nothing is a big deal for them. As an all-inclusive luxury hotel, you can imagine that everything is absolutely delicious and well served. From breakfast to dinner, including lunch and little bites along the day, you won’t be disappointed about the options. It feels like you are eating out in a Michelin star restaurant everyday. With a plus: you are just a few steps from your room.
Most of the guests spend the day relaxing in the generous spa area. The well-equipped gym and the stretching area with marvelous views can brighten your day, but the cherry-on-top goes to the heated outdoor pool. Absolutely gorgeous, framed by the beautiful Dolomites in the background.
We stayed in a two-story chalet with a beautiful and cozy fireplace, from where we never wanted to leave. Or maybe just for a few minutes, to enjoy an invigorating massage or to spend some precious moments in the warm pool. But then we are back to our chalet… and the dream continues…
Imagine-se dirigindo por belos vinhedos cobertos por uma fina camada de nevoeiro. Cercado por montanhas majestosas e lindos ciprestes amarelados, você segue por uma estrada de terra, a caminho do topo de uma colina, onde o edifício com design moderno começa a aparecer à sua vista.
Você chegou agora ao Vik Retreats Chile, um playground para os amantes do vinho e entusiastas da arte. O hotel, perfeitamente projetado por arquitetos premiados, abriga suítes e bangalôs decorados individualmente, todos com vistas magníficas.
Depois de uma calorosa boas-vindas da equipe, você chega ao seu quarto encantador. Ao mesmo tempo moderno e vintage. Super aconchegante, com janelas do chão ao teto e vistas para as belas montanhas e vinhedos. Não há televisão – perfeito para desconectar e apreciar os sons da natureza.
Se você reservar uma estadia com pensão completa – altamente recomendado – agora você vai começar a entender por que essa marca de hotel é uma das minhas favoritas – níveis altíssimos de cozinha e serviço, sem mencionar o vinho – um dos melhores do Chile.
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O almoço e o jantar são uma verdadeira experiência gastronômica, todos pratos pareados com seus três vinhos tintos de alta qualidade – à vontade. Para não mencionar o café da manhã, um verdadeiro banquete dos deuses, com tudo que você pode imaginar, de ovos pochê e avocado toast a deliciosos crepes de dulce de leche regados a chá francês da marca Dammann.
Mas a cereja no topo não é a suíte de luxo, a alta gastronomia, nem os excelentes vinhos. O serviço impecável e caloroso ocupa o primeiro lugar. Prepare-se para ser mimado ao máximo. De degustação de vinhos e cabalgatas em torno da vasta propriedade – tudo incluído no preço – para dois serviços de limpeza por dia – incluindo abertura de cama onde eles colocam um delicado presentinho doce ao lado de sua cama.
Depois de tomar um banho quentinho, prepare-se para dormir na cama dos seus sonhos. Mas esteja ciente de que você pode não distinguir se é realidade ou não. Vik Retreats Chile é um verdadeiro sonho.
O Vik Chile fica a cerca de 2 horas dirigindo do Aeroporto de Santiago, no Vale de Colchagua e Millahue – a mais famosa e renomada região vinícola do Chile. Descubra mais sobre os Vik Retreats da América do Sul aqui.
Imagine yourself driving thru beautiful vineyards covered with a thin layer of foggy. Surrounded by majestic mountains and crispy cypresses, you drive along a dirty road, on the way to the top of a hill, where the modern building starts to reach your sight.
You have now arrived to Vik Retreats Chile, a playground for wine lovers and art enthusiasts. The hotel, perfectly designed by awarded architects, houses individually decorated suites and bungalows, all of them with magnificent views.
After a warm welcoming by the staff, you arrive to your charming room. At the same time modern and vintage. Super cozy, with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the beautiful mountains and vineyards. There is no television – perfect to disconnect and enjoy the sounds of nature.
If you reserve a full board stay – highly recommended – you will now start to understand why this hotel brand is one of my favorites – absolutely high standard levels of cuisine and service, not to mention the wine – one of the tops of Chile.
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Either lunch and dinner are a true gourmand experience, all paired with their three top quality red wines. Not to mention the breakfast, a feast of Gods, with everything you can imagine, from poached eggs and avocado toast, to delicious dulce de leche crepes and Dammann tea.
But the cherry on the top is not the luxury suite, the haute cuisine, neither the outstanding wines. The impeccable and warmth service takes the first place. Prepare to be spoiled to the fullest. From complimentary wine tasting and cabalgatas around the vast propriety to twice a day cleaning service – including turndown where they put a delicate sweet gift beside your bed.
After taking a warm bath, prepare yourself to sleep on the bed of your dreams. But be aware that you may not distinguish whether is reality or not. Vik Retreats Chile is a true dream.
Vik Chile is about 2 hours driving from Santiago International Airport, in the Colchagua and Millahue Valley – the most famous and renowned wine region in Chile. Discover more about other Vik Retreats in South America here.
“Ninguém nunca esquece as primeiras jornadas matinais à savana africana”. Eu li esta citação em uma revista apenas alguns dias antes de embarcar nesta aventura pela África. Imaginei por tantos anos o espírito selvagem de acordar em meio à selva. E finalmente estávamos lá. Aconteceu que foi ainda muito mais do que eu esperava.
Belíssimo Fim de Tarde na Savana Africana
Capturando o mais perfeito reflexo
A eletricidade da ansiedade congelada em silêncio enquanto você espera seu primeiro grande animal. E alí estava ele. Um grande e magnífico elefante macho. Parecia um pouco nervoso, “cheio de testosterona”, disse nosso guia. E subitamente começou a correr atrás de nós. Ai meu Deus! Eu quase desmaiei! Juro! Nosso ranger – o guia e motorista do carro – foi super rápido colocando o potente Range Rover na marcha ré. Foi um momento de tensão, mas acabamos em gargalhadas. Os elefantes podem ser perigosos quando estão nervosos, mas geralmente são criaturas bem fofas.
OMG! Ele está vindo!
Lindos Animais Selvagens
Em outra saída – são duas diárias – tivemos a oportunidade de testemunhar oito leões – isto mesmo, oito leões – caminhando por uma estradinha de terra fininha, ao lado do nosso carro. Já estava escuro, eles estavam andando calmamente, como os legítimos reis da savana. Eles nos encararam, com olhos determinados e corajosos. Nenhum animal poderia lutar com eles – de jeito nenhum – e eles sabiam disso. Majestosos!
Leões Dormindo – Tão fofo!
Amo Girafas!
Tivemos muita sorte em ver um leopardo, o que é absolutamente raro na área. Ele estava em cima de uma árvore, comendo um recém-apanhado impala. Pobre impala, eu pensei. Mas é o círculo da vida. E essa é a coisa mais incrível sobre fazer um safári e ter os primeiros contatos com a selva. Você aprende rapidamente que a vida alí não é nada fácil. Os animais estão sempre em alerta e a melhor maneira de evitar um ataque é pertencer a um grupo. Juntos somos mais fortes, é a coisa mais importante que aprendi na savana.
Piquenique no meio da savana – surpresa de aniversário de casamento!
Capturando um lindo momento
Você acredita que uma girafa dorme apenas uma hora por dia? Elas são muito estressadas, porque não são tão fortes quanto os leões ou rynos para se defenderem e podem virar presas fáceis, mas ao mesmo tempo eles são tão fofinhas. Eu queria abraçar todos elas sempre que via!!!
Mágico Pôr do Sol
Animais Fofos e Livres
Outra coisa importante que aprendi sobre a selva é que não haveria vida sem mães. Sério! Toda vez que você vê um bebê, lá está sua mami. Nenhum macho se importa com seus filhos na savana, desculpem-me a sinceridade, homens. E às vezes os pais podem ser até perigoso para seus bebês. Você acredita que hipopótamos machos podem ser mortos por seus próprios pais? Para que isso seja evitado, as mamães precisam mantê-los longe do grupo até que eles estejam crescidos o suficiente para combater seus pais. Inacreditável, não!? É selvagem. É a natureza. É a vida. É lindo!
“No one ever forgets those first early morning journeys into the African bush”. I read this quote in a magazine only a few days before boarding on this adventure through Africa. I imagined for so many years the raw spirit of waking up in the African wild savanna. And we were finally there. It happened to be much more than I ever expected.
Beautiful Sundowner in the Savanna
Capturing the Perfect Reflection
The electricity of anticipation frozen in hushed silences as you wait your first big sighting. And there it was. A big and magnificent male elephant. He was a bit nervous, “full of testosterone”, commented our ranger. And suddenly started to run after us. Oh My God! I almost fainted! Our ranger – the safari guide – was super fast immediately putting the Range Rover in the reverse position. Elephants can be dangerous when they are nervous, but usually they are cute creatures.
OMG! He is coming!
Perfect Game Viewing
In another game drive we had the opportunity to witness eight lions – that’s it, eight lions – walking along a tiny road, next to our car. It was already dark, they were moving calmly literally as the Kings of the Savanna. They stared at us, with focused and brave eyes. No animal could fight with them – at all – and they knew it. Majestic!
Lions Sleeping – So Cute!
I Love Giraffes!
We had great lucky to see one leopard, which is absolutely rare in that area. He was above a tree, eating a newly catched impala. Poor impala, but it’s the circle of life. And that’s the most amazing thing about doing a safari trip and having the first game drives. You fastly learn that the bush’s life isn’t easy at all. Animals have to be careful always and the best way to avoid an attack is to belong to a group. Together we are stronger, it’s the most imperative thing that I’ve learnt from the savanna.
Picnic in the Middle of the Savanna – Anniversary Surprise!
Capturing a Beautiful Moment
Can you believe a giraffe sleeps only about an hour per day? They are very stressed animals because they are not as strong as lions or rhynos, so they struggle more to defend themselves. At the same time they are so cute, I wanted to hug them all!!!
Magical Sunset
Wild and Free Animals
Another important thing I’ve learned about the savanna is that there wouldn’t be life without mothers. Seriously! Everytime you see a baby, there is his mami. No male cares about his children, sorry to be that honest boys. And sometimes it can be even dangerous for them. Can you believe baby male hyppos can be killed by their own dads? To avoid that, their moms have to keep them away from the group until they are grown enough to combat their dads. Unbelievable, not!? It’s wild. It’s nature. It’s life. It’s beautiful!
Fazia alguns anos que eu ouvia falar na Croácia, ouvia falar em Dubrovnik. Então comecei a ver Game of Thrones, a série mais aclamada do momento, e descobri que a singular “Kings Landing” era nada mais, nada menos que a lindíssima Dubrovnik. Isso gerou ainda mais ansiedade para conhecer essa cidade cheia de história.
Belíssima Dubrovnik
Chegamos num final de tarde lindo. O sol estava se pondo atrás da cidade amuralhada. Nosso hotel ficava na beira do mar com aquele azul enigmático. Ora verde, ora marinho. O Excelsior Dubrovnik é um hotel belíssimo que foi recém reformado. Tem uma localização fantástica, a pouco mais de 500 metros de uma das portas de entrada das muralhas, com acesso a praia privativo e todo conforto que um hotel 5* promete.
Por do sol visto do Hotel Excelsior
Quarto do Hotel Excelsior
Após nos instalarmos num quarto que eu me apaixonei por completo (charmoso e moderno), fomos caminhando ao centro da cidade para jantar. Logo de início, já ficamos encantados pela beleza do lugar. Puro charme. Muita história. Dentro das muralhas, ruelas cheias de vida, cheias de encanto. Lojinhas, boutiques, bares, bistrôs, restaurantes renomados.
Ruelas de Dubrovnik
Relaxando com essa vista, que tal?
Optamos por jantar num restaurante indicado pela agência que organizou a viagem e considerado um dos melhores da cidade. Vou contar tudo sobre ele e sobre outros lugares maravilhosos para comer e beber no post Descobertas Únicas em Dubrovnik.
Vista do Restaurante Prora, no Hotel Excelsior
No outro dia, no final de tarde, realizamos um walking tour pelo interior das muralhas. Entramos pela porta Sul, que fica ao lado do Antigo Porto, ainda muito utilizado para embarcações menores. Essa região é puro charme e fica bem cheia à noite, quanto restaurantes e cafés lotam de pessoas querendo ver e ser vistas.
Porto antigo de Dubrovnik
Rua principal de Dubrovnik
Vale ressaltar que Dubrovnik é uma cidade antiquíssima. Ela não foi criada para o Game of Thrones, “assim como alguns americanos perguntam”, mencionou nossa guia com desdém. Ela já serviu de pano de fundo para muitos filmes e séries, isso é verdade. O novo filme de Star Wars, por exemplo, alugou a rua principal por uma semana e pagou nada menos que 6 milhões de euros para isso. A cidade está badalada, é o destino preferido na Croácia.
Muralhas que encantam
Rua dentro das muralhas
Dubrovnik, no entanto, é muito mais do um cenário de filme. A pequena vila de apenas 45 mil habitantes é considerada a pérola do Adriático pela sua beleza única e importância desde a Idade Média. Beleza essa que foi seriamente prejudicada em uma guerra recente. Em 1991, mais precisamente em 6 de dezembro, logo após a União Soviética acabar e Iugoslávia se dissolver, Sérvia e Montenegro cercaram a cidade e realizaram intensos bombardeios sobre a pequena cidade. Todos comentam sobre isso. É possível se ver em todos os cantos da cidades os marcos da guerra. Tiros, prédios devastados. Muito triste!
O que impressiona é a força com que eles conseguiram se revitalizar e virar a página. Algo tão recente, tão forte e tão presente na memória de todos e, ainda assim, encontramos alí muito mais alegria de viver do que qualquer outro sentimento. A cidade hoje está mais viva do que nunca. É uma cidade que surpreende e encanta a todos!
It’s been a while since I started to heard about Croatia and Dubrovnik in particular. So I started to watch Game of Thrones and I figured it out that “Kings Landing” was not less than the beautiful Dubrovnik itself, which made me even more anxious about going to this historical city.
Beautiful Dubrovnik
We arrived in a golden afternoon. The sun was setting behind the walled city. Our hotel was settled in front of the beach with that enygmatic sea. Sometimes green, sometimes blue. The Hotel Excelsior is a fabulous recently renowed 5* hotel with a wonderful location, about 500 meters from the wall’s entrance and in front of a private beach
Sunset from Excelsior Hotel
Beautiful room at the Hotel Excelsior
Right after checking in a room that I completely fell in love, we walked to the city center to have dinner. Since the moment we step inside the walls, we were enchanted by the beauty of the village. Pure charm and history. Inside the walls there are lots of boutiques, bars, coffee shops, bistrôs and celebrated restaurants.
Tiny Streets of Dubrovnik
We decided to have dinner in a place recommended by our travel agency and it surprised us a lot. I will share with you every Hiddem Gems of Dubrovnik.
Relaxing with Dubrovnik view
View from Prora Restaurant, at the Excelsior Hotel
On the other day, in the afternoon, we did a walking tour inside the walls. We got in through the South door, just next to the Old Port, that still remain in use by smaller boats. This region houses charming restaurants and lively atmosphere during the night.
Dubrovnik Old Port
Dubrovnik Main Street
Worth it mentioning that Dubrovnik is a very ancient city. It was not created for Game of Thrones, as some north americans ask, our guide mentioned with disgust. It has already been used as background for many films and series, that’s true. For an example, the new Star Wars movie has paid about 6 millions euros to rent the main street for a whole week. It’s one of the trendiest cities in Europe.
Beautiful Walls
Old Town
Dubrovnik is much more than a movie background. The small 45-thousand-inhabitants village is considered the Pearl of the Adriatic for its amazing beauty and relevance since the Middle Age. Beauty that was seriously harmed in a recent war. In 1991, right after the end of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of Yugoslavia, Serbia and Montenegro surrounded Dubrovnik for more than 6 months and made intense shellings. Everyone talks about that. It’s something you can see all over the place, there are lots of war traces in every building.
What really impressed us is their strenght and how they turned this page so fast. It’s something that happened so recently, it’s so alive in everyone’s memory and we still find much more joy and gratefulness there than in many other places. Dubrovnik is more alive than ever. It’s a place to go back a million times.
Cappadocia, in Turkey, is much more than hot air ballons – that are really fantastic – but the “show” only lasts for about 2 hours, at early morning. It means after that you can have breakfast and be prepared for a full day of activities. Those are some things you can do:
Breakfast with a view at The Museum Hotel
Visit an Underground City
There are more than 36 underground cities in the whole region. The biggest and most interesting one is Kaymakli, with 8 floors and about 60 meters of (DEPTH). They believe it has more than four thousand years, dating back to 2.500 b.C. It was built for many and many years to protect the people of their enemies, but they didn’t use to live there all the time, only during war.
It’s impressive how much technology they have print on it. For an example, there were small holes at every room to facilitate communication. The doors were (ROUNDS) and fitted perfectly in the (ALLEYS). When an enemy approached, they used to closed the rooms with these huge doors, so they could escape before someone get in. Also, the holes between rooms were used as natural ventilation. After the Turkish arrived at XIV century, the war was over, so they started to use the underground cities to escape the extremely hot weather during summer season.
Have a Picnic at Ihlara Valley
This place is a bit far from Goreme – aprox. 1 hour drive – but has great nature and wonderful atmosphere. I recommend you to visit with at least 2 hours to do everything in a relaxing pace. We did a bit faster (about an hour) and it was very tiring, but remarkable.
Ihlara Valley, with its 14km of extension, houses more than 300 caves and more than 100 underground churches. In the middle of the canyons there is a beautiful and peaceful river were you can chill and rest. I recommend you to have a picnic there, it’s a delicious activity. Some people do the complete trail, others (like me) do the “easy” 3 km trail, after walking down about 300 steps, so be prepared – comfortable shoes are mandatory.
Walk Through Catholic History at Goreme Open Air Museum
This place is a fantastic example of how Christianity has grown strong in this area. It was founded between IX and XII by San Basílio and San Gregorio as a monastery all sculpt in rocks. In the beginning, there was more than 20 churches, but now only rests 7, that you can visit inside. The most impressive one is called the Blue Church, because of the blue tons of the paintings on the walls – something uncommon in that era, the blue color was brought from India.
Each church represents a level of study, where men and women monks used to learn together. It was the first place on the Cristin history to accept men and women studying together. It’s pretty amazing to see how they built so many rooms inside the rocks, including kitchens and dinner areas, and it’s well maintained until today.
Watch the Sunset at Red Valley
These impressive geological forms are the perfect setting for a beautiful sunset. You can go there by car carrying a bottle of wine to enjoy the most beautiful moment. You can also go by quadricycle or, even more romantic, you can do a horseback riding, stop at a beautiful point and enjoy the sun setting behind the valley.
Watch the Sunrise at The Love Valley
When the sun first starts to shine, hundreds of people go everywhere to see the hot air balloons flying and have the most instagramable picture. One of the best places to see it is from the Love Valley, with its incredible geological forms. I recommend you to be there before the sunrise, so you can find the best spot and enjoy the show.
Be Amazed by the Charming Village of Uchisar
We stayed in Uchisar, a small village on the top of the hill above Pigeon Valley. It’s much more charming and less touristic than Goreme, but the view of the balloons are a bit further from this point. There you can find the Uchisar Castle, an impressive rock which was once used as a Castle by the Kings of the Region. You can walk around Uchisar beautiful streets and be amazed by the castle from every point. There is another small castle on the left side of the village – in front of the Pigeon Valley – that’s also beautiful and where you can take the most amazing pics without anyone bothering you.
Witnessing How Much Nature is Incredible at Valley of Fairy Chimneys
It’s beautiful to see how nature created such wonderful shapes. It’s one of the closest points you can get from the caves. Inside, there is a place which became famous in Instagram and where everyone take photos, so you can imagine it is hard to walk, even harder to take a picture with no one on it. I went to this place around 5.30pm. The sun was perfect and I could take some wonderful shots from above, but inside was absolutely packed. That being said, if you want to be exclusive, go there at first rays of sunshine or late afternoon.
Nós estaríamos celebrando nossa viagem de 5º aniversário de casamento em março / 19, então um ano atrás – sim, literalmente – nós decidimos planejar esta viagem para celebrar esta ocasião especial em alto estilo. Nosso destino escolhido era a África, então selecionamos a excelente Agência Gilt Edge para planejá-la para nós. Vernon, nosso agente designado, escolheu a dedo pacientemente cada detalhe desta viagem de sonho, com maravilhosos serviços 5 * e planejamento absolutamente meticuloso, exatamente o que estávamos procurando.
Cidade do Cabo vista da Table Mountain
Nosso itinerário começou na vibrante Cidade do Cabo, onde vimos o pôr do sol mais incrível da magnífica Table Mountain, brincamos com os pinguins em Boulders Beach, tivemos o passeio mais cênico pela Chapman’s Peak Drive e saboreamos as mais deliciosas refeições de nossas vidas.
Pedalando pela Chapman’s Peak Drive
Então nós fomos a famosa Winelands, a linda região de vinho a aproximadamente 50 minutos de Cape Town. Com sua geografia particular e mais de 500 vinícolas, esta região é definitivamente um lugar obrigatório para os amantes do vinho que também admiram paisagens deslumbrantes.
Vivendo um Sonho nas Winelands
A terceira parte da nossa viagem foi certamente um dos destaques mais esperados: uma experiência de safári autêntica no belo Kruger Park, mais especificamente em uma reserva privada chamada Timbavati. Foi o nosso primeiro safári e fomos abençoados com lindos animais. Todo mundo diz que é uma experiência maravilhosa e única e agora posso afirmar definitivamente que é mais do que verdade. Nós amamos a energia e puro relaxamento que absorvemos daquela natureza tão selvagem e intocada.
Momentos Mágicos na Savanna
Finalmente, mas não menos importante, fomos para a ilha mais isolada de toda a nossa vida no Oceano Índico, em Moçambique. Já estivemos em muitas praias bonitas antes, inclusive Maldivas, mas este lugar … Oh boy! É definitivamente o paraíso na Terra!
Paraíso Perdido no Oceano Índico
Fomos capazes de aprender com esta viagem que mesmo em um lugar com tanta diversidade e às vezes injustiça – como o país em que eu vivo – as pessoas podem ser felizes e orgulhosas de sua origem. A África do Sul tem uma triste história recente e o turismo é definitivamente a melhor coisa que poderiam sonhar. Isso traz uma chance de um novo começo.
Tantos Amigos Queridos ao Longo do Caminho
Eu acho que não é necessário mencionar que deixamos este lugar em lágrimas … Estamos de volta, mas metade dos nossos corações ainda está lá. África, você é especial. Vamos nos lembrar dessa viagem para sempre!
Bangalô de Frente pro Mar
Leia todo o meu itinerário em detalhes, começando pela Cidade do Cabo.
We would be celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary trip in March/19, so one year ago – yeah, literally – we decided to plan this once-in-a-lifetime trip to celebrate this special occasion in high style. Our picked destination was Africa, so we selected the excellent Gilt Edge Agency to plan it for us. Vernon, our designate agent, has pacientfully hand-picked every detail of this dreamy trip, with marvelous 5* services and absolutely meticulous planning, exactly what we were looking for.
Cape Town from the Table Mountain
Our itinerary has started in the lively Cape Town, where we saw the most amazing sunset from the magnificent Table Mountain, played with penguins at Boulders Beach, had the most scenic drive through the Chapman’s Peak Drive and savoured the most delicious meals of our lives.
Cycling through Chapman’s Peak Drive
Then we headed to the famous Winelands, the beautiful wine region only about 50 minutes from Cape Town. With its particular geography and more than 500 wineries, this region is definitely a must go place for wine lovers who also admire stunning landscapes.
Living the Dream in the Winelands
The third part of our trip was certainly one of the highlights: an authentic safari experience in the beautiful Kruger Park, more specifically in a private game reserve called Timbavati. It was our first safari and we were blessed with great game viewing. Everyone says it’s a marvelous and unique experience and now I can definitely affirm that’s more than true. We loved the energy and pure relaxation we absorbed from the bush.
Magical Moments in the Bush
At last, but not least, we headed to the most secluded island of our whole lives at the Indian Ocean, in Mozambique. We’ve been to many beautiful beaches before, but this place… Oh boy! It’s definitely Heaven on Earth!
Lost Paradise in the Indian Ocean
We were able to learn with this trip that even in a place with so much diversity and sometimes injustice – like the one I live – people can be happy and proud of their origin. South Africa has such a sad recently history and tourism is definitely the best thing these places could ever dream for. It brings a chance of a new beggining.
So Many Friends Along the Way
I think it’s not needed to mention that we left this place in tears… We are back, but half of our hearts are still there. Africa, you are special. We will remember this trip forever!
Ocean Front Bungalow
Read my whole itinerary in detail, beginning from Cape Town.