Imagine yourself driving thru beautiful vineyards covered with a thin layer of foggy. Surrounded by majestic mountains and crispy cypresses, you drive along a dirty road, on the way to the top of a hill, where the modern building starts to reach your sight.
You have now arrived to Vik Retreats Chile, a playground for wine lovers and art enthusiasts. The hotel, perfectly designed by awarded architects, houses individually decorated suites and bungalows, all of them with magnificent views.
After a warm welcoming by the staff, you arrive to your charming room. At the same time modern and vintage. Super cozy, with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the beautiful mountains and vineyards. There is no television – perfect to disconnect and enjoy the sounds of nature.
If you reserve a full board stay – highly recommended – you will now start to understand why this hotel brand is one of my favorites – absolutely high standard levels of cuisine and service, not to mention the wine – one of the tops of Chile.
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Either lunch and dinner are a true gourmand experience, all paired with their three top quality red wines. Not to mention the breakfast, a feast of Gods, with everything you can imagine, from poached eggs and avocado toast, to delicious dulce de leche crepes and Dammann tea.
But the cherry on the top is not the luxury suite, the haute cuisine, neither the outstanding wines. The impeccable and warmth service takes the first place. Prepare to be spoiled to the fullest. From complimentary wine tasting and cabalgatas around the vast propriety to twice a day cleaning service – including turndown where they put a delicate sweet gift beside your bed.
After taking a warm bath, prepare yourself to sleep on the bed of your dreams. But be aware that you may not distinguish whether is reality or not. Vik Retreats Chile is a true dream.
Vik Chile is about 2 hours driving from Santiago International Airport, in the Colchagua and Millahue Valley – the most famous and renowned wine region in Chile. Discover more about other Vik Retreats in South America here.
🇧🇷 Na nossa primeira ida a Mendoza fomos ao restaurante Siete Fuegos e conhecemos o famoso The Vines Resort, um complexo luxuoso integrante da rede Leading Hotels of The World. Desde então ficamos com o desejo de nos hospedar lá.
Vivendo um Sonho no The Vines – by The Unique Traveler
🇧🇷 Chegamos num fim de tarde e fomos arrebatados por um lindo anoitecer visto do terraço do nosso bangalô. Todos muito bem decorados e confortáveis, com tecnologia de primeira, incluindo som ambiente conectado ao celular, Apple TV e uma pequena cozinha com microondas e geladeira. Para se sentir em casa…
Anoitecer no The Vines – by The Unique Traveler
🇧🇷 Passar a noite alí foi realmente muito mais incrível do que ir apenas para almoçar, embora também possa afirmar que o ambiente do restaurante Siete Fuegos é mais convidativo durante o dia, com a vista dos Andes e dos vinhedos. O silêncio absoluto foi perfeito para uma deliciosa noite de sono.
Banheiro com Vista do The Vines – by The Unique Traveler
🇧🇷 O momento mais espetacular da nossa estadia foi o amanhecer. Acordamos com uma lua linda, em cima dos Andes, ainda iluminando as montanhas e os vinhedos dourados. Um frio gostoso. Um momento para ficar guardado. Dica: pague um pouco a mais e fique nas Villas Deluxe, que ficam em frente ao lago, assim você terá essa vista.
Terraço do The Vines ao Amanhecer – by The Unique TravelerOs Andes e a Lua – by The Unique TravelerApreciando a Vista – by The Unique Traveler
🇧🇷 O hotel tem todo o conforto digno de um 5*. A área de piscina é belíssima, embora não seja aquecida. Dispôe também de uma jacuzzi com uma bela vista dos vinhedos. A cereja do bolo, para mim, é a academia, descentemente equipada e com uma vista de cair o queixo.
Área da Piscina – by The Unique TravelerAcademia em Meio aos VinhedosMalhar com Vista Fica FácilJacuzzi em Meio aos Vinhedos – by The Unique TravelerCafé da Manhã com Vista – by The Unique Traveler
🇧🇷 O resumo da nossa estadia: hotel belíssimo, muito luxuoso e com bastante tecnologia. Perfeito para famílias, pois os bangalôs ou “villas”, como eles chamam, têm quarto e sala separados, contando ainda com uma mini cozinha. Também é bom para casais, mas diria que ele não é tão charmoso e romântico quanto o Cavas. Espere por preços salgados em tudo, da massagem ao cafezinho.
🇧🇷 Você já deve ter lido os meus posts antes sobre Mendoza e sobre as vinícolas mais bacanas que visitei na minha primeira ida a Mendoza. Agora voltei lá e adicionei mais três à lista.
🇬🇧 You must have read my previous posts about Mendoza and the most wonderful wineries I have visited when I first went to Mendoza. Now I have just came back from there and add three more to my list.
➡ Superuco
🇧🇷 É uma bodega boutique com uma pequena produção orgânica e biodinâmica de altíssima qualidade. Para os proprietários, todos da família Michelini, na terra não existem vértices, portanto os vinhedos foram plantados de forma circular – a única bodega com esse tipo de plantação em Mendoza. Localizada no Valle de Uco, dentro das propriedades do The Vines Resort, a visita é simples e rápida, sem grandes formalidades. Os vinhos, em compensação, são dignos de um banquete. Simplesmente divinos! Altamente recomendável!!!
🇬🇧 It’s a boutique winery with a small production – organic and biodinamic – with high quality products. For the owners, the Michelini family, on Earth there is no vertex, that’s why the vineyards were planted in a circular form – the only winery to work like that in Mendoza. Settled in Uco Valley, inside the vineyards of The Vines Resort, the visit and wine tasting are simple and uncomplicated, without formalities, as the owners. The wines, on another hand, are worthy of a banquet. Simply divine!
➡ La Azul
🇧🇷 É uma bodega boutique de estilo mais rústico que foca muito mais no serviço de restaurante do que na produção do vinho. Dito isso, você pode imaginar que não irá ao local pela visita a bodega, mas sim pelo almoço, muito gostoso, que inclui a degustação dos vinhos da casa. Fica em um local agradável, no Valle de Uco, com vista das montanhas. Perfeito para um almoço sem pressa.
🇬🇧 It’s a boutique winery with a rustic touch that focus much more in the restaurant than in the wine production. That being said, you can imagine you won’t choose this place for the winery visit, but for the delicious lunch menu they offer everyday, including house wine. It’s settled at an adorable place, in Valle de Uco, with mountain views. Perfect for an unhurried lunch.
➡ Bressia
🇧🇷 Uma das vinícolas mais prestigiadas de Mendoza, mesmo sendo pequena e bem familiar. Seus vinhos – todos de excelente qualidade – são produzidos pelo fundador da bodega, que também dá o nome a cada vinho que produz. Uma visita simples, porém muito agradável que nos apresentou os detalhes da história dessa bodega que consideramos uma das melhores de lá. Tim-Tim 🍷
🇬🇧 One of the most prestigious wineries of Mendoza, even being small. Their wines – all of them with high quality – are produced by the founder, who gives the name of every wine he produces. An uncomplicated but very pleasant visit, which presented us some history details of this fabulous winery that we consider one of the best of Mendoza. Cheers! 🍷
A região de Mendoza é enorme e as bodegas são bem espalhadas, então é um pouco difícil sugerir aonde ficar, depende muito do seu estilo de hospedagem e orçamento.
Valle de Uco no Outono
Primeiramente, você deve levantar alguns pontos: você prefere ficar no meio dos vinhedos ou próximo de restaurantes e lojas? Você prefere ficar em hotel de rede ou aqueles mais distintos e exclusivos? Você estará em grupo ou é uma viagem romântica?
Cavas Wine Lodge
Dependendo do que você respondeu, você pode escolher entre ficar hospedado no centro ou em uma das três principais regiões de Mendoza, conforme segue:
➡ Centro de Mendoza
Escolha um hotel aqui se você quiser ficar no meio de um centro urbano, com a maior variedade de lojas e restaurantes a poucos passos de distância. É um lugar interessante para ficar se você nunca foi a Mendoza, considerando que você ficará no meio de tudo. Ao mesmo tempo, falta bastante charme (é uma cidade seca, sem brilho) e você terá que viajar todo dia cerca de 30 – 60 mins para chegar em qualquer bodega. Nós ficamos no Park Hyatt Mendoza na nossa primeira visita, bem localizado em frente a uma linda praça, a poucos passos de distância dos restaurantes mais famosos. É um 5* com excelente conforto e serviço, mas não espere tanto – é um hotel de rede.
➡ Maipú
A região mais próxima do centro de Mendoza. Aqui você pode encontrar alguns hotéis charmosos, mas não tantos quanto em Lujan de Cuyo. Você também não encontrará tantas bodegas, mas na minha opinião é uma excelente região para ficar – juntamente com Chacras de Cória – para quem quer ficar próximo do centro, mas ao mesmo tempo no meio dos vinhedos, em lugares com melhor custo x benefício. Seguem algumas opções charmosas:
É a região mais famosa, aonde a maioria das vinícolas começaram. Deve ser incluso em todo itinerário de quem visita Mendoza pela primeira vez. Conta com inúmeras pousadas charmosas misturadas a intermináveis vinhedos. Se você quiser ficar em alto estilo, confere o fenomenal Cavas Wine Lodge, um membro da renomada rede Relais&Chateaux com serviço e conforto de primeira qualidade. Eu fiz um review completo desse hotel aqui.
Para aqueles que procuram uma hospedagem com charme no meio dos vinhedos, existem muitas outras opções. Algumas delas abaixo.
Jantar Romântico no Cavas Wine LodgeSpa para Dois no Cavas Wine LodgePor do Sol no Rooftop do Cavas Wine LodgeBanheira Estilo Vitoriano no Cavas Wine Lodge
➡ Valle de Uco
A região mais linda de Mendoza, na minha opinião. Quase toda vinícola de alta qualidade tem vinhedos por aqui. O The Vines Resort é o mais famoso da região, um 5* membro da renomada cadeia Leading Hotels of the World. É aonde fica o restaurante Siete Fuegos do legendário Chef Francis Mallman. Eu fiz um review completo desse hotel aqui.
Existem também outros hotéis e pousadas muito charmosos na região, abaixo alguns deles.
Piscina do The Vines ResortTerraço do Quarto do The VinesJacuzzi do The Vines
Para mim, o melhor itinerário para quem visita Mendoza pela primeira vez seria ficar pelos menos 4 dias, sendo 2 noites no Valle de Uco e 2 em Lujan de Cuyo. De Lujan você pode acessar com facilidade as vinícolas de Maipu e também os melhores restaurantes do centro de Mendoza. Aproveite!
🇧🇷 A região de Mendoza é enorme e as bodegas são bem espalhadas, então é um pouco difícil sugerir aonde ficar, depende do seu estilo.
🇬🇧 The Mendoza region is huge and the sites spread throughout, it may be difficult to define exactly where to stay, it depends on what you like.
Valle de Uco in Autumn – by The Unique Traveler
🇧🇷 Primeiramente, você deve levantar alguns pontos: você prefere ficar no meio dos vinhedos or próximo de restaurantes e lojas? Você prefere ficar em hotel de rede ou aqueles mais distintos?
🇬🇧 At first, you should raise some questions: do you prefer to be settled in the middle of the vineyards or within walking distance of a variety of restaurants and shops? Would you rather stay in a standard hotel or more genuine style?
Lujan de Cuyo – by The Unique Traveler
🇧🇷 Dependendo do que você respondeu, você pode escolher entre ficar hospedado no centro ou em uma das três principais regiões de Mendoza, conforme segue:
🇬🇧 Depending on your answers, you can choose between staying in the city center or in one of the three main regions of Mendoza. Let me explain better:
➡ Mendoza Center
🇧🇷 Se você quiser ficar no meio de um centro urbano, com a maior variedade de lojas e restaurantes a poucos passos de distância. É um lugar interessante para ficar se você nunca foi a Mendoza, considerando que você ficará no meio de tudo. Ao mesmo tempo, falta bastante charme e você terá que viajar todo dia cerca de 30 – 60 mins para chegar em qualquer bodega. Nós ficamos no Park Hyatt Mendoza na nossa primeira visita, bem localizado em frente a uma linda praça, a poucos passos de distância dos restaurantes mais famosos. É um 5* com excelente conforto e serviço, mas não espere muito – é um hotel de rede.
🇬🇧 If you want to be in the middle of everything, with the greatest variety of restaurants, shops and hotels. It’s a nice place to stay if you have never been there, cause you are going to be in the middle of the action. At the same time, it lacks charm and you will have to drive at least 30 minutes to reach any winery. We stayed at Park Hyatt Mendoza in my first visit, well located in front of a beautiful square, within walking minutes of the most famous restaurants. It’s a 5* hotel with wonderful service and comfort, but don’t expect too much – it’s a chain hotel.
➡ Maipú
🇧🇷 A região mais próxima do centro de Mendoza. Aqui você pode encontrar alguns hotéis charmosos, mas nã tantos quanto em Lujan de Cuyo. Você também não encontrará tantas bodegas, mas na minha opinião é uma excelente região para ficar – juntamente com Chacras de Cória – para quem quer ficar próximo do centro, mas ao mesmo tempo no meio dos vinhedos, em lugares com melhor custo x benefício.
🇬🇧 The closest region to Mendoza Center. There are some charming hotels in the area, but not as many as in Lujan de Cuyo. You also won’t have so many wineries, but in my opinion it’s a nice place to stay – as the same as Chacras de Cória – if you want to be in the middle of the vineyards, but also close to the city center and with more reasonable prices.
🇧🇷 É a região mais famosa, aonde a maioria das vinícolas começaram. Deve ser incluso em todo itinerário de quem visita Mendoza pela primeira vez. Conta com inúmeras pousadas charmosas misturadas a intermináveis lindos vinhedos. Se você quiser ficar em alto estilo, confere o fenomenal Cavas Wine Lodge, um membro da renomada rede Relais&Chateaux com serviço e conforto de primeira qualidade. Para aqueles que procuram uma hospedagem com charme no meio dos vinhedos, existem muitas outras opções. Algumas delas abaixo.
🇬🇧 It’s de most famous region, where almost every winery started. It should be included in every itinerary of those who visit Mendoza for the very first time. There are lots of beautiful charming lodges in the area, nestled among countless vineyards. If you want to stay in high style, you should check the outstanding Cavas Wine Lodge, a Relais &Chateaux member with superb service and comfort. For those who seek for charming hotels, there are lots of adorable lodges in the area.
Cavas Wine Lodge – by The Unique TravelerSpa at Cavas Wine Lodge – by The Unique TravelerSunset at Rooftop in Cavas Wine Lodge – by The Unique TravelerBathroom at Cavas Wine Lodge – by The Unique Traveler
➡ Valle de Uco
🇧🇷 A região mais linda de Mendoza, na minha opinião. Quase toda vinícola de alta qualidade tem vinhedos por aqui. The Vines Resort é o mais famoso da região, um 5* membro da renomada cadeia Leading Hotels of the World. É aonde fica o restaurante Siete Fuegos do legendário Chef Francis Mallman. Existem também outros hotéis e pousadas muito charmosos na região, abaixo alguns deles.
🇬🇧 The most beautiful region of Mendoza, in my opinion. Almost every high standard winery has some vineyards here. The Vines Resort is the most famous hotel, a 5* Leading Hotels of The World member. It houses the extraordinary Siete Fuegos restaurant (that I will tell you more about in another post), from the famous Argentinean Chef Francis Mallman. There are also some other outstanding lodges in the area.
The Vines Resort – by The Unique TravelerThe Vines from the Terrace – by The Unique TravelerJacuzzi of The Vines – by The Unique Traveler
🇧🇷 Para mim, o melhor itinerário de 4 dias seria ficar 2 noites no Valle de Uco e 2 em Lujan de Cuyo. De Lujan você pode acessar com facilidade as vinícolas de Maipu e também os melhores restaurantes do centro de Mendoza. Aproveite!
🇬🇧 For me, the best 4-day itinerary would be 2 days staying at Valle de Uco and 2 more days staying at Lujan de Cuyo. From Lujan you can easily reach some of Maipú’s wineries and also the best restaurants of Mendoza Center. Enjoy!
Start your day with a delicious homemade breakfast at La Table de Jean Paul, adjoining boulangerie of the awarded restaurant La Borgogne, a Relais & Chateaux member.
After breakfast, cycle along the Port area. In a mild day you can admire the cutes sea lions that entertain children and adults. If it’s warmer, enjoy some hours sunbathing on Playa Mansa beach.
When you start to feel hungry again, pick an open air table from the multiple restaurants of Port area. They are pretty good in general, but I have some special feelings about El Secreto and Virazón. Order a nice clericot (Uruguayan drink with wine and fruits) and “carpe diem”.
ClericotEl Secreto
After lunch, you can strech your legs slowly walking through the beautiful and charming boutiques of La Barra, about 15 minutes driving from the Port. And how about tasting a delicious dulce de leche ice cream from Freddo? Worth it to mention that this is a vibrant area just during high season, the opposite of the Peninsula area, that has plenty to do all year round.
La Barra
To finish your day in high style, I highly recommend you to enjoy the spectacular sunset of Punta Ballena, about 10 minutes driving south from the Port, 20 minutes (at least) from La Barra (on the opposite side). My advice: program yourself to not loose the main program – the sunset; take a chilled wine, some glasses; sit down on the rocks and enjoy every minute of the outstanding sky transition.
Sunset in Punta Ballena
I couldn’t forget a precious tips for dinner. If you are going to Punta during high season (summer), the ultra charming Narbona restaurant. I will tell you more about it in an exclusive post, but it will certainly be a remarkable dinner. If you are going during low season, I recommend the beautiful L’Incanto. Not specially because of the food (delicious, but not marvelous), but because of the incredible atmosphere.
Narbona Restaurant
Did you like to know what to do on just one day in Punta? So leave a comment or question. Soon I will post more tips about where to eat and stay.
If you are from Latin America, you must have heard about Punta del Este, in Uruguay. What you probably don’t know is that it’s compared to Hamptons, a glamorous beach town in the US east cost. I can’t affirm that, but I can definitely say I am deeply addicted to Punta.
It’s close to my home town which allow me to do frequently visits. Besides that, it’s where my husband proposed me, in the rocks of Punta Ballena, a bay in the south where you can enjoy the most beautiful sunset. And it’s also where we got married. That’s a few of reasons why I’m so deeply in love with Punta.
It’s so close to Brazil, but at the same time is so different. That’s why Punta draws attention of thousands of tourists who invade the balneary every summer, best season to enjoy the city’s nightlife. But Punta has plenty to offer during all year round, full of charm and style.
One of its highlights is the Port region, in the famous Peninsula area, where is everyone who wants to see and be seen. From there you can enjoy an spectacular sunset accompanied by a delicious clericot, uruguayan typical drink with wine and fruits. Almost every restaurant from this area is classic and worth the visit, with delightful food and that breathtaking view. Just pic one and enjoy.
The Playa Mansa beach is perfect for a relaxing day and to sunbathe. The most suitable for families. The Playa Brava beach is windy, but beautiful. It’s nice to have a late lunch in some of the beach restaurants. La Barra and Manantiales are much more to party and have fun while sunbathing and lunching in the famous beach restaurants “St Tropez” style – particulary in high season.
La Barra has a singular charm. Greek style architecture, plenty of design boutiques, bars and interesting places. During high season this region has a pure vibrant atmosphere, including a few of the hottest restaurants of Punta.
Through pictures and tips you can have an idea, but only when you are there you can feel the amazing magical atmosphere of this place. So follow my tips about what to do if you have just One Day in Punta. See with your own eyes. And then you tell me if I’m right or not.
After reading about the hippie chic style of Jose ignacio you are interested in know a bit more?
Who goes to this little village during summer time can realize that it has something special. Pure style, full of charm and genuineness integrated to a low profile scene. There is almost no wi-fi there. Perfect to relax and enjoy the moment.
Pra onde vamos?
The gastronomic agenda is intense and varied. Hippie chic “on the beach” restaurants by day time, exclusive and modern with a touch of rusticity by night time. Here I will show you three of them that I had the amazing chance to get to know, but there is much more to come.
The most iconic restaurant of José Ignácio. Settled in Playa Brava, is fully booked every weekend from september to may. Absolutely a case of success. It doesn’t matter if it is warm or chill (thanks to stylish quilts and fireplaces). Make a reservation and be patient. The queues are huges (even with a table reserved) and they usually give priority to the habitués. Even so it worth every minute spent wainting. Delicious food, a vast wine menu and breathtaking views. But you should go there for the main reason so many people go: an impressive vibrant scene, in a rustic but chic place, full of charm and style.
The above pic shows the house’s classic, the pesca del dia (catch of the day). The couvert is served with some delicious bread. Everything is good, not excepcional, but with delicious taste. If you have some space, don’t hesitate to try the marvelous, unforgetable and perverse vulcano de dulce de leche. I didn’t take a photo to not remember the “pecado” I had made.
This incredible trendy restaurant in front of the beach at Playa Mansa was a terrific finding in our last visit. We used to have lunch at La Huella when going there. I think that La Susana came to offer the same level experience, even better I would say, more charming, once you are literally on the beach, without losing the Jose Ignacio’s high style. It’s perfect for a late lunch after a day spent on the beach just in front of the restaurant. The food is delicious. Don’t expect to much about the service, but it still worth because of the amazing inspiring vibe, not to mention the outstanding sunset you can enjoy just there, rocked by modern international DJ’s.
➡️ Namm
This was for sure the most surprising experience we had in Jose Ignacio. The restaurant is extraordinary in every detail: outstanding service, wonderful laid-back atmosphere, modern but charming at the same time, delicious food. The cuisine has Asiatic influence, but also serves remarkable meat grilled on the fire in the middle of the restaurant. Casual dining, with the Jose Ignacio stylish touch. To have a remarkable dinner.
Some other highly recommended places I didn’t have the chance to go yet:
If you are planning to go to Punta del Este, in Uruguay, you should include José Ignacio in your itinerary, about 30km from Punta. It’s a small fisherman’s village that seems to be stucked in the past, but at the same time it has plenty of vibrant and modern scene in trendy restaurants and ultra fashion beautiful shops.
Stylish José Ignacio
It worth to have some beach feeling at the windy and trendy Playa Brava. Worth to do some window shopping while having a delicious ice cream. Worth to get lost riding a bike through the narrow streets. Worth to enjoy the beautiful and famous Lighthouse. Worth to enjoy the beautiful sunset in Playa Mansa. And worth even more to end your day in one of the trendy restaurants. The best recommendation you get in my post about Barefoot Nightlife in Jose Ignacio.
I am one of those travelers who loves to research everything about my next destination. The search includes websites and instagram, but mostly travel blogs, which I love. On my recent trip to Buenos Aires, I researched what I could visit for the very first time. So here are two beautiful discoveries. And an old one, but unbeatable and worth mentioning.
I was searching for an open air restaurant to have lunch. I found some great recommendations about this beautiful place. And it surprised me a lot. Delightful atmosphere, good food, high standard service. It runs from breakfast to dinner. Full of charm. Located in Palermo Chico, near the Palermo’s Parks. To relax and watch the time going by slowly…
We were in our Argentinian friend’s wine store having some wine tasting. Then he started to highly recommend us to get to know this place entitled as “signature cuisine”. As he is a local well-connected guy, we imagined it would be a nice suggestion, but we had no idea how wonderful it could be. Located in the trendy Palermo Soho neighborhood, this restaurant is absolutely fantastic. Besides having a charming atmosphere, it offers high standard service with divine food. Impeccable presentation filled with local and exotic flavors. To have a memorable dinner.
This is not a new discovery, but worth to mention cause it’s, no doubt, one of the best parrillas in town. Full of charm and singularity, cozy, excellent meat, expressive wine menu. What more could you ask for? Located in Palermo Soho, is the perfect place to end your day after wandering around the neighborhood’s beautiful narrow streets. Reservation is a must. Or be prepared to wait – for a long time – while tasting a nice sparkling wine.