Versão em português aqui.
When we first thought about going to Switzerland and traveling by train, we were definitely decided to take the Glacier Express. The most prestigious panoramic train of the Continent – but not the only one, take a look here the other Swiss panoramic trains.

The route between Zermatt and St Moritz, or vice-versa, lasts about 8 hours through scenic landscapes. The train moves slowly, so you can take as many pictures as you want. There are some “professional” tourists that leave their camera in non-stop mode to capture every movement. They attach it to the window. How could I never thought about this before?

Along the way, the train stops in many stations, where you can get off, if you want. In other words, you don’t have to make the entire journey. But if you want to do so, you can have lunch on board. We haven’t had the oportunity to try their service, because we got off at the second stop, but it seems to be well organized and a pleasant way to enjoy the journey.

If you have bought a Swiss Pass or a Single Ticket, you have to reserve a seat (with an extra cost as mentioned here) to assure a place. Or you can buy a Glacier ticket. Either to reserve a seat or to buy the ticket you must do it directly on their website. It’s higly recommended to do it well in advance, because it’s easily sold out. So, what are you waiting for?